May 22, 2008

Cool Treat

Sam has found a new love in this world. He is once again cutting more teeth, so this feels gooooooood!!!

May 16, 2008

Spring Fun

Now that spring has finally arrived. Sam has been playing outside more, and he loves it. He went to the park with his buddy Brady. We tried to keep the wood chips out of their mouths.

Sam got to go on his very 1st bike ride. He had a blast!!!

May 9, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Mom's deserve their own day. The sacrifices and hard work that come with being a mom are tough, but worth it. Happy Mothers Day!!!

May 7, 2008

Little Monster

We have had multiple requests for videos of Sam crawling and playing. Here is a 1 minute preview of the fun we have everyday!!!

Clean Baby

Sam still loves playing in the tub. He is also very excited about brusing his eight teeth everyday.