July 29, 2007

Bath Time

Fun Times

I am already starting to get to do fun things.

1) I have gone to both of my Grandpa and Grandmas houses
2) Go to the doctor - They told me I am perfect (duh- like I didn't know that)
3) Went to my cousins softball game
4) Visited my Dad at work

5) Gone on walks with friends

6) Woke up early to catch Saturday cartoons with my monkey friend

7) I even got to go on my first ride - The Merry-Go-Round at ValleyFair

Life is Good!!!

Samuel Sleeping

Like most babies...I like to sleep...

and sleep...

and look cute while sleeping...

and sleep on daddy....

and sleep!!!

July 4, 2007

Samuel Alan Minor

He's Here!!! Monday July 2nd @ 3:10pm (8lbs 7oz , 20" Long)
We have a lot of pictures...more to come soon!!!

July 3, 2007

Family Shower

Another incredible shower. I am still amazed by the blessings people keep giving us. Thanks again for everything!!!